This investigation was carried out for induce mutations in safflower (Carthamustinctorius L) at the Experimental and Research Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University. The results showed access anumbers of promising mutants in M3 generation. The results shows that the Di methyl Sulfoxide (chemical mutagen) was more effective than other two treatments (γ-ray & electric shock), as well as the line 32 (L1 was more responsible than the other two genotypes for induction of stable promising mutants according to final results at M3especially high seed yield. The promising mutants were softness and earliness than the parental genotypes.
The earliestgeno types of flowering (116.83day) in M3 was obtained from plants of L1h1. The highest seed yield/plant (128.00 and 127.17 g) was obtained from plants of L2t3 and L1h2, respectively.
The results supported that the mutagen treatment scan be used to get new safflower genotypes is characterized by spineless, earliness and high seed yield andthus can involve in breeding program to get new varieties suitable for cultivation in reclaimed lands.