This research aims to identify the level of rural respondents application to wrong environmental practices in four dimensions: water, air, food, and agricultural land; determine the nature of the relationship between each variable of studied independent variables and the wrong environmental practices of rural women for each dimension of the four studied dimensions; determine the relationship among combined studied independent variables and the wrong environmental practices for each one of the four dimensions studied, and finally determine the degree of contribution of each variable of studied independent variables in explaining the variation in the wrong environmental practices for each one of the four dimensions studied.
To achieve the objectives of the research; Nawag village, Algarbia governorate were to be a place of the study. A sample of 150 respondents was randomly chosen of rural women in the village. Data was collected by personal interview using a questionnaire, and frequencies, percentages, probable average, coefficient of simple correlation (Pearson), coefficient of multi correlation , the standard partial regression were used in data analysis.
The main findings of this research were as follows:
- The application level of rural to wrong environmental practices was as high as possible for air, followed by water, then by agricultural land, and finally by food where the percentage of wrong practice wrong in the medium and high level of 80%, 78%, 66.9%, 65.7%, respectively.
- There was an inverse and significant correlation among wrong environmental practices of the respondents for water dimension and the number of family members, media effect, geographical opening, total monthly income of family, living level and unofficial social participation. As well the relationship was inversely correlated for air dimension and both of number of family members, and media effect, geographic opening, total monthly income of the family, living level and unofficial social participation. Regarding food dimension; the relationship was inverse and significant with both of media effect, geographical opening, and total monthly income of the family. Also the relationship was inverse and significant for agriculture land dimension with all of the respondents' age, media effect, geographical opening, total monthly income of the family, and the living level.
- It was clear that geographical opening variable contributed to interpretation of the variation in the four studied dimensions, while variable of total monthly income of the family contributed in explaining the variation in three dimensions: water, air, and agricultural land. In the other hand; the variable of educational status of respondent contributed to the interpretation of the variation in the two dimensions of food and agricultural land. Each variable of media effects and number of family members, and living level contributed to the interpretation of the variation in air dimension only, while the variable of media effect contributed to the interpretation of variation in food dimension only. It is also noticed that all of these variables has maintained its significant relationship with the dependent variable in each of the full and reduced model for each dimension which indicating the authenticity of these variables in explaining the variation in the dependent variable.