Background:Diabetes is a metabolic disorder, characterized by chronichyperglycemia. It results from defects in insulin secretion (type1), insulin action (type 2), or combination of these factors,Diabetes is the most common cause of kidney failure. DiabeticNephropathy (DN) is the common and frequently-occurringmicro vascular complications of DM, Which indicates DiabeticGlomerulosclerosis; a kind of glomerular disorder mainly appearsas vascular injury. Fractalkine is a large cytokine protein thatplays an important role in prolonged glomerular diseases.Objectives:Assessment of Fractalkine levels in type 2 Egyptian diabeticpatients with and without diabetic nephropathy and the role offractalkine in development of diabetic nephropathy.Methods:50 diabetic patients with and without nephropathy will beassessed to levels of fractalkine, and these levels will becompared to 25 controls non diabetic persons.