As safe methods were developed to intervene operatively during lobour, various methods of Intrapartum Assessment of foetal well-being have been designed. By far continuous electronic foetal heart rate monitoring (CTG Monitoring) is becoming the most popular method in clinical practice, yet other methods should be taken into consideration, the most important of which are foetal salp Blood sampling, Foetal pulse oximetry and Foetal ECG, all of which can be used as potential adjunct techniques to EFM. As regards to the type of patient to be subjected to such type of monitoring, the following was documented in the literature reviews; “Routine EFM must be abandoned in low risk pregnancies. High risk pregnancies should be referred with the choice between the use of EFM. and intermittent auscultation, being left to the judgment of the attending physician.” [ Cochrane review, 2000]. The Royal college of obstetrics & Gyn. (2001), on the other hand, did a remarkable effort as regards to intrapartum assessment of foetal well-being, of which the following has to be noted: “ It is mandatory to investigate the risk factors associated with the mother and foetus at time of admission. In the presence of one or more of the risk factors, Therefore EFM is preferred over intermittent auscultation. Risk factors include; Maternal, foetal as well as Intrapartum Risk factors.