Introduction: As the lymphotropism of hepatitis C virus (HCV) has alreadybeen ascertained, and in the light of the fact that the immune defense system is an organized network composed of functionally interrelated tissues, this study was carried out to find if there is a relation between HCV- RNA level(measured by quantitative PCR) and splenic volume or not.Patients and methods: In this experimental study we measured splenic volumeby ultrasound and measured the HCV load in serum using quantitative PCR in80 consecutive patients suffering from chronic HCV infection referred to(N.H.T.M.R.I) for assessment before starting treatment with standard combinedtherapy (Peg-Interferon plus Ribavirin).Results: 50 patients were HCV+ve by PCR( 16 female) and 30 patients wereHCV-ve by PCR( 6 female) and when they were compared to each other andcompared to 19 control(8 female) regarding their splenic volume, The mainsplenic volume of +ve group was higher than –ve group, 178.878cc vs158.54cc.Conclusion: the patients with positive viremia have splenic volume larger thanthose with negative viremia and that difference is significant not due to chanceand that means that HCV causes the splenic volume to increase.