Vascular calcification is common cardiovascular complication and one of the most leading cause of death in CKD. as esRAGE is released from cells to bind AGEs so decreasing bad effect on endothelium. A study of 79 subjects, Group I included 65 patients with chronic kidney disease: Group Ia (46) on regular HDX Group Ib(19), Group II included 14 subjects with normal kidney functions, we studied relationship between esRAGE and abdominal aortic calcification index (ACI) done by non-contrast computed tomography. Our results revealed that esRAGE is significantly lower among chronic kidney disease patients compared to controls, also esRAGE was significantly lower in prevalent than incident CKD patients, Multiple regression analysis was performed in hemodialysis patients for factors correlating with ACI and revealed a significant negative association with esRAGE p<0.001we finally conclude that that it can be used as a protective biomarker that is protective against vascular calcification in CKD.