The surgical procedure was unified in all cases with a fewexceptions. A latero-dorsal thoracotomy was performed, most caseswere done extrapleurally, with ligation of azygos vein between twoligatures (4/0 Polyglactin) except in 26 cases in which the azygos vienwas spared. The fistula was divided and closed with interruptednonabsorbable monofilament 5/0 suture. The end-to-end anastomosiswas done with one-layer interrupted absorbable 5/0 sutures(Polyglactin) in all of the cases. In most cases, an 8F Silastic feedingwas passed into the stomach. In.cases with long distance between theesophageal pouches and in cases of pure Esophageal Atresia, a primarygastrostomy was done for enteral feeding and end-esophagostomy inthe neck for drainage of saliva.Early postoperative assessment of complications as leakage, chestcondition, wound infection and medical problems as cardiac wererecorded and compared. Patients were followed up postoperatively atthe outpatient clinic at 7th days, 14th days, one month, 3 months andsome cases up to 6 months. Follow up schedule aimed at assessment ofpostoperative complications as stricture, failure to thrive, recurrence orreflux. All complications were recorded for later comparison.