Spontaneous abortion abortion refers to pregnancy loss at less than20 weeks’ gestation in the absence of elective medical or surgicalmeasures to terminate the pregnancy. The term “miscarriage” issynonymous and often is used with patients because the word “abortion”is associated with elective termination. “Spontaneous pregnancy loss” hasbeen recommended to avoid the term “abortion” and acknowledge theemotional aspects of losing a pregnancy (Scroggins et al., 2000).Another emotionally neutral term is “early pregnancy failure” (Creinin etal., 2001).Approximately 20 percent of pregnant women will have somebleeding before 20 weeks’ gestation, and roughly one half of thesepregnancies will end in spontaneous abortion (Everett C, 1997).However, when women were followed with serial serum human chorionicgonadotropin (HCG) measurements, the actual miscarriage rate wasfound to be 31 percent (Wilcox AJ et al., 1988) .Many pregnancies arelost spontaneously before a woman recognizes that she is pregnant, andthe clinical signs of miscarriage are mistaken for a heavy or late menses.Approximately 1 in 9 pregnancies end in spontaneous first trimestermiscarriage (Nybo Andersen AM et al., 2000).Our study is to compare between the effectiveness of oralmisoprostol in treating cases of incomplete abortion less than fourteenweeks of gestation to that of oral methergin.Conclusion: throughout our study we found no statisticallysignificant differences comparing the two groups regarding occurrence ofinfection, severe bleeding, diarrhea and the clinical data of theparticipants. Significant statistical difference was revealed only whencomparing the duration needed for each drug to reach completion of theabortion. This gave misoprostol the upper hand yet our work is notsufficient to state which of the two drugs is the drug of choice regardingmedical treatment for incomplete abortion less than fourteen weeks ofgestation. Further studies and analysis are needed to judge the benefitreaching the women by avoidance of surgery and selecting the drug ofchoice that would treat causing the least side effects.