Background: A short term high intensity Atorvastatin(80mg/day in the morning for4 consecutive days) has been proposed as a promising adjunctive therapy in earlysepsis.Objectives: To determine efficacy and safety of the new regimen of Atorvastatin asan adjunctive line of treatment in early sepsis as well as its effect on endothelialfunction and in modifying the inflammatory markers.Methods: A total of 50 patients with early sepsis were alternatively randomizedto statin group[25 patients] and received (Atorvastatin 80mg/day for 4 consecutivedays, plus conventional sepsis treatment) or control group[25 patients] and receivedonly conventional sepsis treatment and followed by:• Inflammatory markers(CRP and PCT).• Nitric oxide metabolites.• Severity of illness as indicated by SOFA score monitoring and need for organsupportive measures.• Length of ICU stay, 28 day mortality, and final outcome.• ALT, AST, and CPK to assure the safety of statins in early sepsis.Results: The mean level of CRP and PCT at day 4 significantly reduced in statin groupthan in control group (P value=0.007,0.001 respectively). The mean level of Nox metabolites at day 4 nonsignificantly reduced in statingroup compared to control group(P value=0.063). The short term high intensity Atorvastatin therapy reduce nonsignificantly thetotal cholesterol level at day 4 (P value=0.1). The short term high intensity Atorvastatin therapy significantly reduce thedevelopment of severe sepsis as indicated by reduction of Mean SOFA scoreand Highest SOFA score; (p value=0.038 and 0.043 respectively). The short term high intensity Atorvastatin therapy significantly reduce the needfor vasopressor use in the course of sepsis (P value=0.001), and also reducethe need for mechanical ventilation (P value=0.044). The short term high intensity Atorvastatin therapy nonsignificantly reduce thelength of ICU stay (P value=0.25);and 28 day mortality (P value=0.26). The short term high intensity Atorvastatin therapy are safe to be used in earlysepsis regarding their effect on liver and muscle enzymes.Conclusion: The use of a short term high intensity Atorvastatin therapy in patientswith early sepsis seems to be safe and associated with promising effects oninflammatory cascade, and endothelial function; as reflected clinically by its effect onclinical course and mortality from sepsis.