Persistent ankle pain in athletes is a common problem in this group of population whether on the professional or the amateur basis. It often follows ankle sprains or repetitive trauma and is often a manifestation of impingement. Impingement that echoes underlying pathologies as intra-articular fibrous bands, scars or bony spurs, can occur at many sites of preference. While anterolateral and posterior impingement represent the commonest of all, still medial, anteromedial and calcaneofibular impingements do occur. Impingement runs a somehow long course, however, unless adequately timed suspicion and well planned prevention are performed, the resultant pain and disability shall not be sufficiently relieved except via surgery. Recently, after the vast steps achieved in the field of arthroscopy, it’s become the mainstay of operative intervention for such a morbidity, reinforced by evidence-based medicine.