In our study, 64 implants are used in 30 patients requesting augmentationmammaplasty that had been performed (10 saline and 54 silicone implants,23 submammary, 7 subpectoral from circumarcolar, inframammary, andaxillary approaches). In this work we tried to evaluate the results of breastaugmentation and to detect the problems which may occur on the long runsuch as capsular contracture, delayed ptosis, implant migration, patientacceptance and change in the volume and size of the implant and to definethe ways which can enable us to face and manage these events. We find that silicone filled implant is better than saline filled andthe site of implant should be decided according to certain criteria. As aconclusion: volume, site, and type of implant can be detected by properselection of the patient.