Objectives: Comparison between using cervical length measurement,phosphorylated insulin growth factor binding protein -1and the accuracy of combination of cervical lengthmeasurement with (PhIGFBP -1) as predictors of preterm delivery. Cervical length was measured using transvaginal sonographyat 26- 30 weeks of gestation and a rapid strip test wasperformed to detect PhIGFBP-1 in cervical secretions from 26to 30 weeks gestation in 50 patients. It was found that using either Actim partus test which is used todetect the presence of (PhIGFBP-1) in cervical secretion ormeasuring cervical length in prediction of preterm delivery havenearly similar sensitivity ,specificity and accuracy if each of themis used alone, so any of them can be used in screening females athigh risk. While combining both tests together had highersensitivity, specificity and high accuracy in prediction of preterm labor. Both predictors can be used as screening test if used alonebut it was concluded that if the two predictors are combinedtogether, higher accuracy, sensitivity and specificity is obtainedthan using any of the predictor alone in prediction of preterm labor.