Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacteriumleprae. It has long been recognized that leprosy clusters in families and itis often regarded as a genetic disease. Dysregulation of both B- and T-cellresponses is observed in leprosy. T cell dependent immunity to M. lepraeis high in healthy exposed individuals as well as in TT but is strikinglyabsent in LL patients. Thus at lepromatous pole, patients show weak CMIor anergy to M. leprae antigens. In this study we evaluated the effect oftopical application of DNCB in addition to multi drug therapy, in cases ofLL, to stimulate the CMI. We found that same effect, as that of multidrug therapy alone was obtained but in much shorter duration oftreatment. However we failed to prove any effect of the used DNCB onthe CMI. We concluded that topical DNCB might be an encouraging newline of adjuvant therapy in LL patients.