The excessive or unwanted hair is often a strong enough reason that motivates patients, especially women to seek medical advice. The terms hirsutism and hypertrichosis are often applied indiscriminately to excessive hair growth. Hirsutism will be restricted to the growth of coarse terminal hair in the male adult sexual pattern in the female. Traditional available methods for treating hirsutism include; shaving, waxing, depilatory creams and camouflaging as bleaching. These methods are temporary and they may cause significant side effects. Although electrolysis and thermolysis are considered a long term hair removal procedures they are known to be extremely time consuming and very painful.Recently laser technology has proven itself as a leader in hair removal among the above mentioned modalities being monochromatic, coherent and collimated providing a .very useful type of light energy which would be used very effectively in treating hirsutism. The goal of laser hair removal is to achieve follicular destruction than temporary epilation resulting from heating of hair shaft alone.