Decreased equilibrium in standing and walking is a common problem associated with hemiparesis secondary to vascular accident. The aim of this study was to study balance function in herniparetics using the balance master, to investigate the clinical factors responsible for falls and differentiate between Faller and nonfaller hemiparetics. Methods: 30 controls and 50 hemiparetics subjects were investigated by balance master and Berg balance scale. Tone in lower limb muscles assessed by Ashworth, power assessed by Oxford scale. Results: statistically significant difference was found in all balance tests between controls and hemiparetics. Hemiparetics demonstrated postural asymmetry, greater postural sway, longer movement time, less accuracy when compared to controls. Faller also demonstrated specific patterns on the balance master. Tone and power influenced many balance parameters. No difference was found between left and right hemiparetics in balance parameters except in weight bearing. Conclusion: The balance master can effectively test stroke patients in order to assess postural asymmetry, weight shifting ability, gait and functional capabilities. The outcomes (from balance master tests arc valid indicators to screen stroke patients at risk of falls.