PURPOSE;To evaluate sentinel lymph node mapping in patients with early breast cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty female patients with early breast cancer scheduled to undergo axillary nodal dissection ,as a step of breast conserving surgery or modified radical mastestomy,underwent CT breast and axilla after intralesional lipidol injection by 24 hrs for identification of sentinel lymph nodes . All studied cases were in early stage(T1,T2&N0,N1) without any prior surgical intervention in the same breast nor neoadjuvant chemotherapy .Sentinel nodes were identifiable by enhacement by the lipidol showed on CT films. Results were analyzed statistically. RESULTS: A sentinel lymph node was identified in 6 patients (30%). Lymph nodes were positive for metastatic pathologically in 4 patients (66.7% of those get positive by CT). There were no false-negative findings in this study .100% sensitivity, 87.5% specificity,66.7% positive predictive value, 100% negative predictive value.CONCLUSION:Non enhanced Sentinel lymph node mapping by this technique is appropriate method as a prognostic index for axillary status in patients with early breast cancer who have not undergone prior intervention,nor neoadjuvant chemo and/or radiotherapy .Further study is necessary to ascertain the accuracy of the procedure.