Uterine fibroids are very common benign tumors that develop on themuscular wall of the uterus .The incidence of fibroids are estimated to bepresent in at least 20% of women of reproductive age. Uterine fibroidsare composed of nodules of the smooth muscle cells and fibrousconnective tissue within the muscle wall of the uterus. Many concepts are developed that go beyond just myomas as estrogenand progesterone responsive tumors through knowledge that these tumorsare responsive to different peptide growth factors. Most women withfibroids are asymptomatic and be discovered incidentally during theroutine annual examination. The most common presenting symptomsassociated with fibroids is menorrhagia which is reportedly present in onethird of women leading to seek medical or surgical treatment .The utilityof GnRHa in the treatment of uterine fibroids has been extensivelyinvestigated. Studies have demonstrated and marked reduction in theuterine and fibroid volumes following treatment with GnRHa. Also antiprogesteronemedications, progesterone, androgen, anti-estrogens,inhibitors of angiogenesis and natropathic treatment can be used for thispurpose. Surgical treatment has been the mainstay of the treatment of uterinefibroids includes myomectomy which is a conservative and minimallyinvasive procedure performed in a relatively young women, laparotomywhich remains the most common and arguably the safest approach for thesurgical management of large uterine fibroids by hysterectomy ormyomectomy. Hysterectomy (abdominal or vaginal ) is a treatment option for women with fibroids that are giving rise to symptoms,especially menorrhagia and pressure symptoms. Uterine artery embolization is a good option for women who areunwilling to undergo major surgery ( myomectomy or hysterectomy) .There are other various new techniques in the treatment of uterinefibroids such as laparoscopic myomectomy, hysteroscopic resection,gene therapy, MRI- cryoablation and MRI-guided focused ultrasoundtherapy.