Apoptosis is a highly regulated form of programmed cell death defined by distinct morphological and biochemical features. Histopathological evidence suggestive of apoptosis such as presence of apoptotic bodies, acidophilic (Councliman) bodies and pice-meal necrosis are frequently observed in viral hepatitis. The frequent occurrence of hepatocellular apoptosis in hepatitis C virus infections may be an explanation for the discordance between serum transaminase values and the degree of histological injury as assessed by histopathology in HCV-associated liver disease. The Fas ligand (FasL), (a member of the tumour necrosis factor family), induces apoptosis in Fas-expressing cells in this study we measure serum S FasL in 20 patients including 11 with chronic B hepatitis and 9 with chronic C hepatitis (using EL ISA assay). The results showed higher mean S Fas level in the study group (8.715 ng/ml + 2.355) as compared with the control group (2.614 ng/ml + 0.328) with p- value < 0.001.