This study was carried out on 32 patients selected from Kasr-El Aini University Hospitals and Abassia Chest Hospital. All patients of the study were suspected with acute pulmonary tuberculosis either by history of exposure to an active diseased patients, clinical examination or positive x- ray findings. FAST plaque T.B test giving a sensitivity of (94.12%), specificity of (90.91%), 95% positive predictive value, and 91% negative predictive value. FAST Plaque TB test is a rapid, manual test for the diagnosis of TB. The test is sensitive and specific for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in individuals with no previous history of TB treatment. The FAST Plaque test is easy to perform, requires no special equipment and results are read by eye within 48 hours. This test can be useful for diagnosis of TB in developing countries with a high burden of TB where other rapid diagnostic tests may not be appropriate and could be used in conjunction with smear microscopy to aid in the diagnosis of TB.