Cancer prostate is an important and escalating health problem in both the developed and developing countries. It is a potentially curable disease especially in its early stages and hence carries a low morbidity.It was our aim to investigate the potential of one of the oldest and most popular imaging modality against a more advanced but less used imaging modality in this field, i.e. TRUS and En MRI.In our study of 30 patients we found out that the majority of our cases were very advanced. Yet still with the limitations met with in this study (such as the small sample size and the lack of true pathological specimens) we managed to pin point the limits and potentials of each modality;•TRUS seemed to be less accurate than En MRI in eliciting PZ lesions correctly.•However both were blind to inner gland lesions•Although both modalities might have shown humble staging accuracy rates yet En MRI has seen closer in its staging to that of pathology than TRUS.•This may be owed to the high accuracy of En MRI in eliciting ECE, SV infiltration and regional LN enlargement•By combining En MRI with Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI the latter seemed to increase En MRI’s accuracy in detection and staging of prostate tumors even in the inner gland.However, do to the limitations of our study it may be more beneficial and scientifically yielding if the study was performed on a larger scale and was confirmed with surgical pathological samples.