Radical cystoprostatectomy in male patient and anterior pelvic exentration in female patient coupled with en-block pelvic lymphadenectomy, remain the standard surgical approaches to muscle invasive bladder carcinoma in the absence of metastatic disease. Pelvic lymphadenectomy remains an integral step in the management of several pelvic malignancies such as bladder cancer. With the introduction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in 1987, the advantages of laparoscopy became evident with improved patients welfare in terms of reduced morbidity in the postoperative period, reduced pain and shorter hospital stay. In this work we aimed at evaluation of technical feasibility and initial outcome of therapeutic laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy in bladder cancer, in patient who were otherwise candidate for conventional radical cystectomy, regarding operative time, blood loss, intra-operative complications, post operative morbidity, and early and late post operative complications. Thirty patients with clinically operable bladder cancer were included in the study in NCI. The procedure was divided into two stages. The first stage consisted of laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy in 26 patients and the second stage which entail cystectomy was completed either by laparoscopic cystectomy in 2 patients or by standard open radical cystectomy with urinary diversion in 24 patients. The average operative time of laparoscopic phase was 75 minutes. The mean blood loss for laparoscopic phase of the procedure in our study was 250 cc. Laparoscopy related complications included minor surgical emphysema in 10 patients. In one patients there was uncontrolled bleeding, the laparoscopic procedure was aborted and the patient was rapidly explored to control bleeding. Two patients had unilateral DVT including concomitant pulmonary embolus in one patient. No patients had port site or local recurrence during this short follow-up of 11 months. We conclude that Laparoscopic extended pelvic lymphadenectomy during radical cystectomy retrieves adequate nodal yields that are commensurate with current oncological recommendations.