Aim: The study evaluated the antimicrobial activity and sealingability of new resin based endodontic sealer Epiphany SE againstEnterococcus Faecalis, compared with a zinc oxide and eugenol sealerTubliseal Xpress and a calcium hydroxide sealer Apexit Plus. Theantibacterial activity of the three sealers was tested using the agardiffusion method, by applying the freshly mixed sealers directly into4mm wells made in a Muller-Hinton medium seeded with enterococcalsuspension to evaluate immediate inhibition zone around each sealerwhich was measured in millimeters. The coronal bacterial leakageassessment thirty free of caries single rooted teeth were decortinated tostandardize the length at 12 mm, teeth were divided into 3 groups,group obturated with Epiphany sealer and realseal cones, groupobturated with Tubliseal Xpress and gutta-percha cones, and the thirdgroup was obturated with Apexit sealer and gutta-percha cones. Adouble chamber method was done. Results: Tubliseal Xpress showedthe largest inhibition zone after immediate, 24 hours, and 7 days ofapplication, followed by Apexit Plus which did not show any zone after7 days. Epiphany showed inhibition zone only after immediateapplication only. In the sealing ability study there was no significantdifference between tested sealers allover 120 days. After one day noturbidity was seen for all specimens except for 2 Epiphany tubes, firstweek Epiphany showed better sealing followed by Apexit then Tubliseal,while for the first month Tubliseal was better than Apexit and Epiphany .The results of 2 months assessment were same as that for 120 days,Apexit showed low leakage value than Tubliseal Xpress and Epiphanyrespectively.