Nutrition plays a Vital role in mainting and enhancing the health of anindividual. Nutrition currently starts to play a major role in reducingmortality rate at pediatric intensive care units in addition to other factsuch as increased expertise and better equipment . Evidence show thatfeeding enhances immunity, protects the gut, and shortens recovery time,which urges us to learn how to feed our patients in more effective andsafer ways.Critically ill- children and especially infants are at risk of developingdeficiencies due to high energy expenditure for body size and limitedenergy reserves . Attention for nutrition and nutritional management hasgrown substantially in recent years .Adequate nutritional support andbetter nutritional status have been shown to improve physiologicalstability and outcome in children.The goal of nutrition support during critical illness is to sustain organfunction and prevent dysfunction of the cardiovascular,respatoryandimmune systems .In addition , nutrition support in the critically ill patient,can minimize starvation effects, prevent nutritional deficiencies andsupport the patients disease state until the acute phase inflammatoryresponse resolves.