Overactive bladder(OAB), is a medical condition that affects thedetrusor muscle, which is the muscle that contracts to empty the bladder.The muscle contracts while the bladder is filling with urine (instead ofwaiting for the bladder to be full), thus creating the urge to urinate morefrequently and before the bladder is completely full.. Urgency: The complaint of a sudden compelling desire to passurine, which is difficult to defer. This symptom can occur with or withouturge incontinence (leakage). Sufferers experience strong, sudden urges tourinate, even if their bladder is not full.Overactive bladder affects men and women at approximately thesame rate, however, the symptom of urge incontinence is more prevalentamong women than men.While overactive bladder is often perceived as an “older” person’scondition, about half of those affected are between the ages of 35 and 64years of age.The treatments of overactive bladder are behavioral therapy,pharmacological therapy, and - the most important - a combination ofbehavioral and medical therapy.Behavioral therapy makes pharmacologic therapy works better and shouldbe done in most of the patients.