Cardio vascular disease CVD is considered one of the most prevalent diseases inEgypt. This is a descriptive study to assess adherence to dietary guide lines for patientswith cardiovascular disease in Cairo University hospital to improve health and decreasecomplication in cardiovascular patients.The study was conducted on 102 in patients, 51 resident physicians and 22nutrition supervisors all recruited from internal medicine and cardiology department atCairo university hospital. Each subject under the study was interviewed personally usingan interview questionnaire for data collection.Questions investigating service providers' knowledge and practices were summated. Thenthe percent for every item was calculated. To evaluate the level of adherence to thehealthy dietary pattern a special dietary score was used.The study showed that the nutrition advice received by patients from the hospitalwas consistently defective and incomplete, the source of advice was the hospitalphysician in about half of cases (51.4), and always in orally (79.1%). about (90.3%)mentioned adherence to dietary advice prescribed.The patients’ dietary practice score was poor and was statically significantrelated to their level of education (p-value =0.003). The most common causes of noncompliance were boring and bad taste of prescribed diet (16.7% and 17.6 %).The reasons why physicians did not optimally prescribe diet regimen for theirpatients were lack of time (27.5%), lack of knowledge (23.5%) and the mean knowledgescore of physician was 32±18.4 the knowledge is only parameter that provedstatistically significance related to their practice (p-value =0.000) .Most of dietitians (86 .4%) reported knowing the protocol or dietary guidelinesfor cardiovascular patients, however their answers showed great variations whichreflected that there is no unified protocol or defective in their knowledge.All dietitians are willing to share more in health education for patient althoughnone of the studied patients had met any one of them.The study recommends issue a unified comprehensive written protocol or guidelines fordietary regimens, on the job training courses for the physicians and dietitians, and theeducational background of each patient should be put into consideration whileprescribing dietary regimen for patients.