Background: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. Genetic andimmunologic mechanisms have been proposed in the aetiology of psoriasis.Psoriasis is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular (CV) complicationsand the pathogenic mechanisms involved appear to be complex and multifactorial.Traditional and nontraditional risk factors possibly contributing to the increasedrisk. Studies showed that the osteopontin (OPN) may be an unfavorablecardiovascular risk factor in psoriatic patients. Our study was undertaken to assess whether psoriatic patients in Egypt have an increased level of OPN or not and itspossible role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases associated with psoriasis. Patients and Methods: This study included 41 patients with chronic plaquepsoriasis with variable extent of lesions, as well as 40 control subjects. All caseswere subjected to complete history taking, clinical examination including PsoriasisArea and Severity Index (PASI) score. Blood samples were collected from allcases for estimation of plasma osteopontin level by ELISA method. Serum lipidslevel, blood pressure, body mass index (BMI) and serum glucose level will be alsoestimated as assessment of dyslipidemia, blood pressure, obesity and diabetesmellitus (DM) which may be associated with psoriasis. Results: Our results showed statistically significant increase of plasmaosteopontin (P value= 0.026), systolic blood pressure (P value= 0.0015), diastolicblood pressure (P value= 0.0015) and body mass index (P value= 0.0115) inpsoriatic patients compared to controls. There was statistically significant increaseof plasma osteopontin in hypertensive psoriatic patients (p value= 0.001) compared to non-hypertensive psoriatic patients. Also we found statistically significantdecrease of cholesterol (P value= 0.002) and triglycerides (P value= 0.000) inpsoriatic patients than in controls. There was statistically insignificant decrease of HDL (P value= 0.1915) andstatistically insignificant increase of FBS (P value= 0.145) in psoriatic patientscompared to controls. In our study we found a significant weak negative correlation between plasmaOPN and cholesterol but we found insignificant weak positive correlationsbetween OPN and SBP, DBP, BMI and FBS while we found insignificant weak negative correlations between OPN and triglycerides and HDL in psoriatic patients. Also, in our study we found an insignificant weak positive Correlation betweenPASI and BMI while we found insignificant weak negative correlations betweenPASI and OPN, FBS, cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL in psoriatic patients. Conclusion: Our study demonstrated significant increase in plasma level ofOPN in psoriatic patients in comparison to the controls which may be related todevelopment of cardiovascular disease in patients with psoriasis. Other significantrisk factors of hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia proved to be involved in thepathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases in psoriasis.