SoIube RAGE is a naturally occurring inhibitor of pathologicaleffects mediated via RAGE. protective sRAGE levels are decreasedin patients with coronary artery disease, as well as in patients withhypertension,. patients with decrease renal function are at highcardiovascular risk and often have hypertension or diabetes, factorsthat decrease renal function. Conversely, it is probable thatcirculating sRAGE level is influenced by renal function. This study aimed at demonstrating the relationship of sRAGE to renal function in patients with retients with renal impairment (RI) andhemodialysis patients (HD)5 and to correlate its serum levels witharterial atherosclerosis vis the measurement of intima media thickness (IMT). The current study concluded that the levels of sRAGE hassignificantly increased in groups with HD or RJ compared to thehealthy control group, and the increase was marked in the HD groupthan RI group. Also, there was a significant difference betweenhemodialysis and renal impairment groups as regards to intimamedia thicknass (IMT), it was 0.84=0.22 in HD patints and0.59=0.12 in RI patients. The study also revealed in thelevels of c-reactive protein"3* And cholesterol in hemodialysis groupmore than renal impairment And control groups.