El-Tamami, Medhat M., Aref, Ahmad E., Mussttafa, Magdi E.
Hasan, Tareq Ahya
2017-03-30 06:22:43
2017-03-30 06:22:43
M.Sc. Thesis
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding affects about 5% of menstruating women. The majority of cases occure in 5-10 years before the menopause or after menarche; when the ovaries are in an unstable responsive state. Hormonal therapy and repeated curettage may fail to control excessive bleeding. Hysterctomy thenbecomes the ultimate choice. It is relatively safe procedure with a low mortality rate of 1/1000, but operative morbidity ishigh with apotential of 20-35%.Endometrial ablation by laser or electro surgery is a conservative alternative to hystrectomy or hormanl therapy for DUB. It is a safe, successful and cost effective treatment of DUB.