Statement of the problem: Different cooling rates can affect the bond strength between Ti alloy and the ceramic veneer materials. Purpose: The purpose of the study was aimed to evaluated bond strength of different cooling rate on the bond strength between Titanium alloy and veneering material. Materials and Methods: The specimens were equally divided into 2groups according to alloys Ten specimens of milling titanium alloy and Ten specimens of casting Ni-Cr (25mm ×3mm × 0.5 mm). The specimens in each group were further divided into 2 subgroups according to the rate of cooling Rapid :lowering the plat form to most inferior position and removing spacemen from furnace and allowing to cool to room temperature. start from 790 and cooling from 790 to room temperature. Slow : The tray 2 cm from furnace for 12 mint then switch off and allow to cool to room temperature cooling from 790 to 450 to 441 and cooled at room temperature. 5 specimens The first group received slow cooling rate of titanium alloy and , the second group was 5 specimen subjected to rapid cooling rate and 10 specimens of Ni-Cr The5 first group received slow cooling rate of Ni-Cr alloy and , the 5second group was subjected to rapid cooling rate. Low-fusing porcelain (Duceram) was fired onto the surface of the specimens of titanium and Conventional porcelain (VMK95)on Ni-Cr alloy.A universal testing machine was used to perform the 3-point bending test. The titanium-ceramic interfaces were subjected to scanning electron microscopic analysis. The bond failure data (MPa) were. Two-way analysis of variance ANOVA test of significance comparing variables affecting mean values. One way ANOVA followed by pair-wise Duncn post-hoc tests were performed to detect significance between subgroups. Statistical analysis was performed using Aasistat 7.6 statistics software for Windows (Campina Grande, Paraiba state, Brazil). P values ≤ 0.05 are considered to be statistically significant in all tests. One specimen from each group was selected for scanning electron microscopic examination. Results: Rapid vs. Slow cooling rate: Totally it was found by one way ANOVA test that Slow group recorded statistically significant (P<0.05) higher flexure bond strength mean value (57.69 ± 1.42 MPa) than Rapid group (41.445 ± 4.025 M Pa). Comparing between Ni-Cr vs. Ti group Pair-wise Duncan post-hoc test It was found that Ti recorded statistically non-significant (P>0.05) higher flexure bond strength mean value (50.87 ± 5.4 MPa) than Ni-Cr (48.265 ± 10.845 M Pa). Conclusion: Titanium alloy proved excellent bond strength values compared to the minimal limit value required by the ISO 9693), even with cooling rate variations. The flexural bond strength values increased by the opaque layer with slow cooling rate and decreased by rapid cooling rate which confirmed our hypothesis; but this was not to the level to be statistically significant. The scanning electron microscope results suggested that there was an improvement in the bond occurring with slow cooling rate.