A total No. of 30 copings will be constructed using CAD/CAM and manually milled Zirconia technology according to the manufacturer instructions on specially designed stainless steel dies. These specimens are divided into 2 main equal groups (n = 15) according to method of construction. Each main group will be further subdivided into two three equal subgroups n=5 each according to the testing procedure that will be performed; 5 samples for marginal adaptation, 5 samples for internal fitness, 5 samples for fracture resistance. The mean and standard deviation values of marginal gap distance with Copy mill technique were 356.1 ± 49.6 µ while the values were 110 ± 52 µ with CAD/CAM. The mean and standard deviation values of cement film thickness with Copy mill technique were 243.1 ± 86.4 µ while the values were 121.5 ± 34.5 µ with CAD/CAM. The mean and standard deviation values of fracture resistance with Copy mill technique were 208.1 ± 12.5 N while the values were 315.3 ± 41.9 N with CAD/CAM. )Conclusion: 1) Zirconia CAD/CAM copings showed better Marginal adaptation than zirconia MADMAM copings.2) Zirconia CAD/CAM copings showed better internal fitness than zirconia MADMAM copings.3) Zirconia CAD/CAM copings showed fracture resistance than zirconia MADMAM copings