Stress incontinence is defined as the involuntary loss of urine during any physical exertion as coughing, sneezing, lifting heavy weights or even bearing down. It is often seen in women after middle of age usually as a result of weakness of the pelvic floor and poor support of the vesicourethral sphincteric unit (Petros et al, 1997).SUI in females is caused either by anatomic malposition of the urethra and bladder neck (anatomical type) or caused by intrinsic sphincter dysfunction (sphincteric type).Continence in the female normally requires the effective transmission of intra abdominal pressure to the urethra, and adequate functional urethral length and closing pressure and the correct location of the sphincteric unit. (Little, 1989).The initial evaluation of the female with urinary incontinence should begin with a through history including parity, previous pelvic surgery, pattern, frequency, severity of incontinence and associated urgency and urge incontinence. physical examination of the patient should include stress test, Marshall Marchetti and Bonney tests.