Stroke is a cause of long-term disability, which contribute to a psychological, social and economical burden to stroke patients. The aim of this search is to study the effect of stroke on physical, psychological and social aspects of stroke patients (their quality of life) to produce a better quality of life for them. The study was conducted on 50 post-stroke patients from Kasr El-Aini and Police Hospital out clinics in the period from 2001-2003, number of males were 34 (68%) and number of females were 16 (32%), their ages ranged from 40-80 years with a mean of 66.32. All patients were subjected to the following investigations:Full clinical and neurological examinations ; Brain CT study ; Duplex carotid and vertebrobasilar systems. ; Routine laboratory investigations including (post-prandial blood sugar, lives and kidney functions, uric acid, lipid profile, cardiac enzymes) ; Stroke specific quality of life scale (SSQOL scales); the scale developed by William et al. (1999). It presents the initial development of a valid, probable and responsive stroke specific quality of life measure for use in stroke trials.There is a significant correlation between quality of life score and different scales used in the study (MMSE, H. depression scale B. index scale and sexual functions scale).