Background: Kidney dysfunction commonly develops in patientswith liver cirrhosis. Renal failure develops due to renal vascularconstriction and can be present weeks or even months before clinicalsigns or increased levels of blood urea nitrogen or serum creatinineconcentrations become detectible. In this study we analyze the value ofrenal arterial resistance index, measured by duplex-Dopplerultrasonography for detecting early impairment of renal function inpatients with liver cirrhosis.Objectives: to illustrate that the Intrarenal Resistive Index (RI)measurement is a predictor of renal vasoconstriction and serves to detectearly renal function impairment in cirrhotic patients. The diagnosis ofelevated RI may be taken into account in the clinical management ofthese patients.Methods: Subjects were divided into 3 groups containing 30 patientswith liver cirrhosis and ascites, 30 patients with liver cirrhosis withoutascites, and 15 control subjects. All patients underwent abdominalultrasound examination with renal RI measurement and correlation withlaboratory results for renal function.Resuts: RI was significantly higher in ascitic patients compared tonon-ascitic patients (0.74 vs. 0.67, p<0.01) and in non-ascitic patientswith liver cirrhosis than in control subjects (0.67 vs. 0.62, p<0.01). 48% 19/40) of patients with liver cirrhosis and normal serum creatinineconcentration showed elevated RI levels.Conclusion: Intrarenal RI measurement is a predictor of renalvasoconstriction and serves to detect early renal function impairment incirrhotic patients. The diagnosis of elevated RI may be taken into accountin the clinical management of these patients.