The present work constitutes a study on a total of 85 cases presenting with symptoms that might be suggestive of intestinal giardiasis as abdominal pain, abdominal distension and diarrhea. All fecal samples were examined using the direct wet smear and the formol-ether concentration techniques. Among 85 cases 42 cases were positive for Giardia, 30 cases were negative for Giardia and other parasites and 13 cases were negative for Giardia put positive for other parasites. Rapid immunochromatographic test (Ridaquick kit) and ELISA (Ridascreen kit) were used to detect Giardia antigen in all fecal samples and the results were compared to the results of microscopic examination, sensitivity of rapid immunochromatographic test was 95.2% while sensitivity of ELISA was found to be 97.6%.