ThesisShort versus long-term follow-up of implantable cardioverter defibrillators : Clinical experience and results at Cairo University
ThesisShort versus long-term follow-up of implantable cardioverter defibrillators : Clinical experience and results at Cairo University
ThesisICD implantation and follow up five years registry and comparative study with antiarrhythmic drugs
ThesisICD implantation and follow up five years registry and comparative study with antiarrhythmic drugs
ThesisRegistry of acute coronary syndrome patients admitted to Critical Care Center, Cairo University
ThesisRegistry of acute coronary syndrome patients admitted to Critical Care Center, Cairo University
ThesisLong-term follow-up of patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators and impact on survival
ThesisLong-term follow-up of patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators and impact on survival
ThesisLong term evaluation of implnted cardiac pacemakers: A twenty year registry of the critical care medicine department
ThesisLong term evaluation of implnted cardiac pacemakers: A twenty year registry of the critical care medicine department
ThesisPermanent Left Ventricular VersusBiventricular pacing in patients with advanced heart failure : Acute effects and short term follow-up
ThesisPermanent Left Ventricular VersusBiventricular pacing in patients with advanced heart failure : Acute effects and short term follow-up
ThesisTrends in percutaneous coronary intervention in Cardiology Department Cairo University : A registry
ThesisTrends in percutaneous coronary intervention in Cardiology Department Cairo University : A registry