Badawi, Muhammad , Badawi, Magda , El-Attar, Muna M.
Hamed, Abir El-Sayed
2017-03-30 06:22:01
2017-03-30 06:22:01
M.Sc. Thesis
Despite the great efforts to provide excellent care in the NICU, complications continue to occur in critically ill neonate either because of natural coarse of the disease or institution of a new therapy. The need for continuous monitoring in NICU dictate more invasion thereby adding new risk to original illness. Most adverse occurrences documented in NICU are venous access complications and equipments related complication followed by haematological complications, trophic skin ulcer and gastrointestinal complications finally thermal control and drug related complications. Risks of iatrogenic non-infectious complications of NICU are exaggerated by prolonged duration of admission.