Early pregnancy loss is the commonest complication of pregnancy, and represents a major clinical workload for the gynecologist. It is estimated that around 40% of early pregnancies result in miscarriage. Elective termination of pregnancy is widely performed throughout much of the world. Despite its safety, yet, the general rate of complications for surgical evacuation ranges from 1.4% to 8.4%, of which the incidence of retained products of conception (RPOC) constitutes 1-3%, which is relatively high. Therefore, if a non-invasive procedure such as ultrasound can reduce the number of patients having a repeated D&C, then the overall number of complications can be reduced. With the evolution of trasnsvaginal sonography (TVUS), a dramatic increase in the information obtained regarding uterine abnormalities and intrauterine contents has occurred. This study aims at establishing the role of TVUS together with Doppler in the evaluation after elective termination of first trimester pregnancy.