Coronary calcium scoring by multi-slice ct (MSCT) is a recent technique used to diagnose coronary artery a atherosclerosis andscreening of asymptomatic individuals with risk factors of coronary arterydisease and follow-up for coronary artery disease. Objective was to detect coronary artery calcification and its scoring usingmulti-slice CT as a noninvasive imaging modality. Coronary artery calcium scoring is a promising tool for acquiring insight for coronary calcium present in the coronary arteries.Using electron beam tomography in the past and multi-slice computedtomography nowadays, calcium scoring can be per found within minutes.MSCT is recent development in the spiral ct. However, MSCT offers alarge scale of possibilities in data acquisition and reconstruction. Theamount of coronary calcium is generally used as an indicator for riskassessment of patients with suspected coronary artery disease.