Abdel-Raouf, Mahmoud, El-Toukhi, Essam, Attef, Ahmad M.
Mussttafa, Muhammad Anani
2017-03-30 06:23:37
2017-03-30 06:23:37
M.Sc. Thesis
This study was done on 40 cases in the period between October 2003 and January 2005, 6 males (15%) and 34 females (85%). 29 cases of them had lower level obstruction and 11 cases had upper level obstruction. Assessment of the level of obstruction was done by the following:•Diagnostic syringing and probing of lacrimal drainage system.•Jones test•Dacryocystography•ScintinographyAll cases were followed up routinely monthly for a minimum of 6 months after the surgery. They were then recalled again at 18 months. After removal of the stent patients were investigated by a post operative Scintigraphy, and the patency of the lacrimal drainage system was in re-assisted by probing and syringing. During the follow up visits lacrimal stents and symptomatic improvement were the parameters to evaluate response to surgery. We considered surgery successful if the patient was subjectively relieved and lacrimal irrigation proved no blockage. The result in cases of distal obstruction was better than those in proximal obstruction (75.8% compared to 63.63%) yet the difference was statistically insignificant.The success rate of endoscopic DCR in total study population decreased significantly with time (p > 0.05 for relation between success rates in short term and long term in total study population).