The intestinal flora of breast-fed infants is generallydominated by bifidobacteria which have beneficial properties. Theirpresence is due to various components of breast milk, including prebioticsubstances .These prebiotics have been added to artificial milk formulaeso as to mimic breast milk in its action on intestinal flora. The intestinal flora of breast-fed infants is generallydominated by bifidobacteria which have beneficial properties. Theirpresence is due to various components of breast milk, including prebioticsubstances .These prebiotics have been added to artificial milk formulaeso as to mimic breast milk in its action on intestinal flora. The intestinal flora of breast-fed infants is generallydominated by bifidobacteria which have beneficial properties. Theirpresence is due to various components of breast milk, including prebioticsubstances .These prebiotics have been added to artificial milk formulaeso as to mimic breast milk in its action on intestinal flora. We here report 100 healthy preterms born in ourhospital and were admitted to our NICU over a period of 7months.They were divided into two groups (50 preterms each).Preterms in group 1 were given milk formula enriched wth prebiotics(Bebelac EC containing GOS), while preterms in group 2 were givenpremature formula not enriched with prebiotics. Preterms in bothgroups were then compared regarding their growth rate, frequency ofstools, development of feeding intolerance, electrolyte disturbanceand the development of sepsis during their NICU stay. Significant improvement in average daily weight gainand stool frequency in preterms receiving prebiotics observed duringtheir stay (p< 0.05). Significantly less incidence of feeding intolerancewas observed in prebiotics receiving preterms (p < 0.05). Sepsisscreening through CRP and CBC shift showed significant lessincidence of sepsis in preterms receiving prebiotics (p < 0.05). Nodisturbance in serum electrolytes was noted in either groups. Prebiotics have beneficial effects in feedingpreterm infants.