Among our study, 15 cases had hemoptysis secondary to chesttrauma (Table 20) of them, 11 patients had penetrating chest trauma (stabwound), developed Pneumothorax and managed by intercostal tubedrainage, 4 patients had hemoptysis secondary to blunt trauma ,developedhemothorax, managed by intercostal tube drainage, but this was notenough and all of them (blunt to developed some sort of pleural fibrosisand managed by decortication to preserve lung function. This is Inagreement with (Kaye, 1990) who said that haemoptysis follows avariety of chest injuries: contusions of a lung by severe blunt trauma tothe chest from the steering wheel during an automobile collisionsometimes lacerates or fractures the tracheo-bronchial tree and stabwounds often tear the lungs or airways.