Many types of pelvic osteotomies have been described. Reconstructive osteotomies are intended to restore nearly normal hip anatomy and biomechanics, to improve symptoms, and possibly to prevent degenerative changes. Salvage osteotomies are done to relieve pain when the articular surface congruity cannot be restored because of marked abnormal anatomy. The goal of pelvic osteotomy is to change the pathological mechanical environment that leads to secondary osteoarthrosis in patients with acetabular dysplasia.Various pelvic innominate osteotomies have been described for the treatment of acetabular dysplasia secondary to congenital hip dysplasia.Innominate osteotomies can be divided into two types: complete and incomplete transiliac osteotomies.The osteotomy described by (Salter, 1961), is an example of complete transiliac osteotomies.In 1969, Dega reported on what he called a transiliac osteotomy, which was actually an incomplete transiliac osteotomy.