Classic bladder exstrophy is a rare malformation of the genitourinary tract. The surgicalmanagement of bladder exstrophy has evolved significantly during the last 50 years butsuccessful reconstruction for this condition remains a major challenge in pediatric urology. Theideal reconstruction of the child with classic bladder exstrophy would establish urinarycontinence with normal bladder dynamics and provide normal genital cosmoses all withpreservation of upper urinary tract function.The aim of this study is to evaluate our experience at our center (pediatric unit of urologydepartment Cairo University) in exstrophy repair by different techniques & strategies indifferent age groups. Comparison of our results of these different techniques & strategies indifferent age groups with the literature is important to establish the basis of better managementand to provide better health service to those children suffering from this complex congenitalanomaly.During the period between January 2000 and January 2007 we retrospectively studied patientspresenting with bladder exstrophy at our center. During this period we treated 52 patients (17females and 35 males) suffering from classic bladder exstrophy complex. Age of presentationranged from 24 hours to 14 months. 42 patients underwent complete primary exstrophy repairand 10 patients were staged.The results showed preservation of the upper tract in most of our patients with no severe uppertract changes. Continence results were comparable to some centers; however we had a higherrate of failure of successful primary closure.We recommend doing a prospective study, standardization of the technique, protocol, andsurgical team