The dramatic increase in the number of transplant procedures,exhausting the organ donor pool, triggered a shift to living donors as asource of viable hepatocytes. In Egypt, the importance of LDLT is furtheremphasized by the vast number of patients suffering from chronic liverdisease acquiring almost endemic proportions and the unavailability ofcadaveric organs. Patterns of arterial supply to the liver are very variable.The extrahepatic arteries have to be identified with precision at the timeof liver harvest to avoid injuries that might lead to incompletearterialization of the graft. Thus, the transplant surgeon should be wellacquainted with these anomalies and the management of each. Elaborateinvestigation of HA anatomy is not indispensable for surgery asintraoperative findings are usually sufficient for safe reconstruction.Investigation of the donor should be with non-invasive techniques (CTAor MRA) to minimize complications in a healthy person. Microvascularanastomosis of the hepatic artery has overcome many technicaldifficulties and reduced the incidence of HAT. Size discrepancy can besafely managed by funneling of the hepatic artery.