Mycobacterial infections in the human system lead to sensitization to the bacillary components and elicitation of cell mediated and humoral immune responses to mycobacteria. The development of various mycobacterial diseases is multi-factorial. Most factors such as the immue status and the genetic make up of the individual play a major role in the susceptibility of an individual. Since the human leucocyte antigen (HLA) system plays on important role in the modulation of the immue response, a possible association between (HLA) antigen and tuberculosis has been examined in several population, but the results have been controversial. Sixty one pulmonary tuberculosis patients and twenty healthy control subjects were conducted in this study in an attempt to examine the HLA. Class II genetic make up of pulmonary tuberculosis patients and their tuberculin reactive status to purified protein derivative (PPD) of mycobacterial tuberculosis to elucidate the genetic control of delayed type lypersensitivity to mycobacterial tuberculosis infection. The following were done: 1- Thorough history and full clinical examination, 2- Chest X-ray examination, 3- Blood sugar fasting and 2 hours post prandial, 4- Sputum examination by direct smear microscopy for AFB, 5- Tuberculin skin test, 6- HLA typing.