Serological techniques detecting anti-Schistosoma antibodies areconsidered more powerful tools in diagnosis of Schistosoma infection.IgG levels in saliva appear later than in serum in the examinedmice samples. IgG in slightly diluted saliva are similar to that obtainedfrom higher diluted serum. So, concentrations of IgG in saliva are muchlower than in serum. With these weak levels of antibodies in saliva, theyappear more specific where these antibodies did not induce false positivewith other tested antigens. So, saliva has a high specificity in detection ofanti- S. mansoni IgG, as no cross reaction occurred against antigens ofother parasites.IgA in saliva appear early in infection in experimentally infectedmice and in some chronic infected patients. Salivary IgA can not beconsidered as specific tool for diagnosis of chronic infected patients.IgM appear in serum early in infection and low percentage ofchronic infected patients show high level of IgM. So, IgM also are notconsidered as specific tool for diagnosis of chronic infected patients.