Hepatobiliary disease occurring in a pregnant woman poses a challenge forthe consulting physician. Differentiation of pathologies can be difficult but isof importance as the appropriate management varies with the diagnosis.The objective of this study was to estimate the pattern and the degree of liverdysfunction in women complaining from pregnancy induced hypertension.This study was performed on twenty females in their late trimester ofpregnancy. Among those, ten females were showing from preeclampsia. Theother ten, were females in their late trimester of normal pregnancy. A controlgroup of ten non pregnant females was randomly selected.We noted statistically significant difference between different groups asregards liver span however no statistically significant difference was foundbetween different groups as regards PV caliber. Statistically significantdifference was found between different groups as regards liver echogenicityand gall bladder abnormalities in abdominal ultrasonography.Also, statistically significant positive correlation was found between gallbladder abnormalities in abdominal ultrasonography and urinary and serumalbumin.From this study we concluded that abdominal ultrasonographic examinationis an important tool to detect hepatic dysfunction in women with pregnancyinduced hypertension.