History and examination alone cannot diagnose female urinary disorders, and must be aided by special tests, such as: Q-tip test, Voiding diary, Pad Tests, Urethral electrical conductance, uroflowmetry, cystometry, urethral pressure profile, electromyography, videourodynamic assessment, cystography, endoscopy, and urethral retro-resistance pressure measurement. Lines of prevention of stress urinary incontinence include: shortening of the second stage of labour, avoidance of instrumental delivery, and postpartum pelvic floor exercise.Lines of management are: conservative management (lifestyle modifications, behavioural therapies, physiotherapy, medical treatment, modern non-surgical devices). Surgical Management included anterior colporrhaphy and Kelly's suture, needle urethropexy, abdominal retropubic colpopexy, laparoscopic colposuspension, suburethral slings, urethrorraphy, urethroplasty. Other Lines of Management included injection of bulking agents and artificial sphincters