Intra-tympanic therapy is often used to treat inner ear disorders such as Ménière’s disease, sudden idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss and autoimmune hearing loss. When intra-tympanically applied, drugs resulted in higher endolymph and perilymph concentrations than when intravenously administratedInjection of intra-tympanic dexamethasone represents a safe and potentially effective treatment of sudden idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss with very good results reaches 80% if it is treated in first 72 hours.Dexamethasone injection gives very good results in patient’s with Ménière’s disease improving all its symptoms specially vertigo which improves in more than 70% of the cases.An alternative strategy is to use gentamicin as a means of achieving vestibular ablation in Ménière’s patients.The main advantages of intra-tympanic therapy are ease of administration, avoidance of surgery, alternative therapy when systemic route is contraindicated or poorly tolerated, and possible salvage therapy when systemic therapy fails.