Enlarged male breast is a term covering different enteties rangingfrom adolescent gynaecomastia to redundant breast after massive body weight reduction. In this study we did anthropometric survey for the gynaecomastia incidence and grades in two groups of young men aged from 15 to 30 Ys according to Simon’s classification and we found, in the first group that the incidence of gynaecomastia was 10 % (72% of them were grade I, 18 % of them were grade II and 10% of them were grade III). In the second group theincidence of gynaecomastia was 15% (60% of them were grade I , 25% of them were grade II and 15 % were grade III). There are different surgical solutions for gynaecomastia according to its type and degree and in this study we classified our patients into four different groups according to the type of surgical management, so we did surgical circumareolar excision for first group andliposuction for the second group and we found that the surgical excision give good control on haemostasis and control of the residual dermoglandual thickness. On the other hand the liposuction technique give better chance of peripheral breast tissues dissection and better contour results, and in third groupwe did the combined liposuction-excision technique with gaining the advantages of both previously mentioned techniques.As regards the fourth group of surgical management was focused on the ptosed redundant breast in grade III gynaecomastia with usage of excision mastopexy technique and it gave good post operative breast reshaping and controur with minimal scarring effect.